No compromise

Love is so precious that few people know to appreciate. I met so many people in my life that teach me different things in life. But there is only few of them that remains in your heart forever. I met someone one day that saw me what's love is . That person is one of the most beautiful person that i met in my life , genuine , honest, dedicate , wise,generous, pure and sweet.
My friend teach me how to forgive and love again , teach me that we are humans and we made mistakes . I learnt that love is cherish the same hopes and have the same comitment , help me to see clearly that be honest to your fellings and let your heart speak with actions is the most beautiful things in the life of someone.
I just want to say thank you for your advise for your patience and that i love you with all my heart.
Thank you 4 be there for me.
My friend teach me how to forgive and love again , teach me that we are humans and we made mistakes . I learnt that love is cherish the same hopes and have the same comitment , help me to see clearly that be honest to your fellings and let your heart speak with actions is the most beautiful things in the life of someone.
I just want to say thank you for your advise for your patience and that i love you with all my heart.
Thank you 4 be there for me.
Love. Love
clean, sweet, untouchable love.
love, will be,
love, will, will, will, will,
love, hurt me and i will love you still.
love, love
love, tell me, tell me who can teach me.
love, love me, tell me you never will forget me
love, just love me
but tell me it's you
it;s you opening the coufing
love, never death, never scared
love, just tell me that you want it
real love will never end
will always teach you
would never pretend
real love stays forever in your heart.
learn from it, loose it for it but never fight for it
real love wiil appear
and even if it walks away
if its real love will never disapear.
I met this person, who is a real love
she taught me to dream
she taught me to be soft
I met this woman, who make me fly
and on my way back a brought a star from the sky
love, will always teach you even if you don't want
love will always teach you
will teach you to be commited
will teach you to dream
will teach you forgive and forget
will teach you that if the two person doesn't dream the same
the move on
love, real love, will last
love, real love, will never be past
love, real love, will always be soft
love, real love, will always be there for you
love real love will never stop loving you
give thanks to destiny for bring to you such a nice friends
thanks to destiny for bring to you a life essences.
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