Saturday, January 07, 2006


Indecions and procrastination are corrosive habits. Those who wait for every little thing to be perfect before they embark on a project or who dislike the compromise of a partial solution are among the least happy.
Ideal circunstances are seldom given to anyone for undertaking. Instead there is uncertainty in every situation. The wise are those who can wrest great adventure from circunstances opaque to everyone else.
Wanting everything in life to be perfect before you take action is like wanting to reach a destination without travel.
So , let's be honest to our inner peace. Every day passes whether you participate or not . If we are not careful , years will go by and we will only have regrets. If we cannot solve a problem all at once , at least make a stab at it.
In a few words:
We can not be afraid to explore;
because without exploration there are no discoveries.
Let's not be afraid of partial solutions;
Without the tentative there is no accomplishment.